acquired areas of depigmentation
Causes....[actually no known causes but hypothesis]
1-)autoimmune hypothesis:
*autoimmune destruction of cutanous
*lymphocytic infiltration on skin biopsy indicate involvement of lymphocytes in the destruction process.
*may associated with other autoimmune diseases [alopecia areata, thyroid dysfunction, Addison disease, adrenal disease, atrophic gastritis, perncious anemia].
*serum autoimmune antibody against melanocytes , thyroid, adrenal, gastric parital cell or intrinsic factor.
2-)self destruct hypothesis:
*defect in the natural protect mechanism of melanocytes.
*this defect will cause accumulation of toxins procusers which destroy melanocytes.
3-)neurgenic hypothesis:
*caused from released compound at the peripheral nerve endings in the skin which is toxic to the melancytes.
*the affected areas shows sympathatic nreve dysfunction.
Note:[vitilgo also may be caused as a result of truma , cauld be familial etheir]
Clinical presentation:
-localized disease in---
*sun exposed areas[dorsal of hands]
*normal hyperpigmented areas[axilla,groin,
nipple, flexures]
*sites of friction[bony promenince]
-generilized--- widspread disease.
*typical presentation=white milky colouration ,sharp
margin ,no scales , normal texture & intact sensation
*Atypical presentation=
-trichome\\ tan colour naturally evolves typical area
-quadrichrome\\perifollicular macules or repigmented
-inflammatory\\erythomatous .
+differential diagnosis of vitiligo:
*generalized hypomelanosis[albinism-hypopitutrism]
*patchy hypomelanosis[vitiligo-sclerosis]
*inflammed patchy hypomelanosis[tinea versicolor-leprosy-
pityriasis alba].
*atrophied patchy hypomelanosis[morphea-post inflamm.-
lichen planus].
-skin biopsy:absent melanocytes.
-wood's lamp:ivory white skin lesions.
1)sun screens[spf more than 30]
what for?..1.vitiligous ares are more suscptable for sunburn.
2.sunburn to normal skin may turn into vitiligo[kobner phenomena] vitiligous area sun induced darkening of the surrounding
normal skin cause accentuation of cosmatic disfigurment.
what for?... it's a tanning preperation contain Dihydroxy acetone.
3)Repigmentation therpies for localized vitiligo
1-topical corticosteroid=sicorten[0.5% halometasone]
*twice dialy to 6-12months[should stoped if no improvement]
*once dialy in flexural area.
*shouldn't applied to eyelids or periorbital areas for risk of
cataract or glucoma.
2-PUVA(psoralen ultraviolet radiation A)
*the treatment 2 times per week & it needs to avoid sunlight 2 days
after each session with using of sunsceens outdoor.
*ultraviolt A radiation for 30 minutes after application of
*the PUVA cotinued for 1 year [100-200session]
*contraindication for PUVA:
-pregnant women
-children below 12
-cardiac diseases
-hepatic diseases
-renal diseases
-visual problem[aphakia- cataract]
-skin cancer
4)depigmentation therapy
*by using bleaching agents 20% hydroqunine(benzoquine) one or
twice daily when the vitiligo is extensive or universal.
*side effect: dermatitis-albinoid skin
the fate of vitilgo:
stasis ~ spread ~ re pigmentation spontaneously
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