Thursday, March 18, 2010

How to get control of your life and your time:....

*many people go through life without finding any satisfaction in the simple fact of being alive .

*yet this lifetime is the only time we will have -we had better make the most of it . Few of us do of course .

*we act as if this time were just a practice run for the next , fortunately however we live in an age when people have developed methods to help us -if we choose- to use our time wisely.

*most of people on our time waste all minutes of times , nor do they think in terms of their whole life , they operate in the mid-range of hours or days . So they start over again every week and spend an other chunk unrelated to their lifetime goals. They are doing a random walk through life , moving without getting anywhere.

*the real question is : what do we really want to do ? If we don't know sooner or later we will realize that whatever it was there just isn't enough time left to do it , our lifetime isn't entirely our own and yet it is all we have, and it's absurd to spend that time in constant reaction and accommodation to someone else's plan -whether that plan in imagined as god's the boss's or a spouse's . distinctions must be made , if it is the boss's time , then we must do his thing , done properly this should leave us time of our own to do our thing .

*it takes organization and concentration to carve out your own time ,but most important of all it takes self-knowledge to know what you want to do with it.

*without goals and motivation the time will evaporate. “A typical best use of time is to plan , some people don't even make lists , much less imagine that today is connected with next week and five years from now.

*but you can't effectively plan the next few days without deciding on the next ten years , and so we begin asking to sort out our priorities:
-what are your life goals?
Write down every thing you can think of, including money , career physical, family, social, community, spiritual and personal goals.
Try to fill up an entire sheet of paper, now place an “A” in front of three goals that are most important to you , on an other sheet of paper ,be specific about each of the three: identify sub goals , logical next steps and immediate plans.
Then from each A goal select one “next step” to take next week. And now you have an action program!! the list should be redone once a month to keep up a continuous and evolving spiral of improvement.

-how would you like to spend the next five years?
Not how will you or how should you , but how would you like to?
If you have just written down as a lifetime goal a desire to be rich , and now find yourself answering “ i would like to be building birdhouses,for example” you have not been honest in the question , the point to discover your own goals not the ones you have been taught .
We do too many things because of some atavistic sense that we have to, but do we?even if the action was originally ,is it sensible now?

-How would you like to live if you knew you would be dead six months from today?
Many people have never consciously thought out the answers , and once they recognize their own feelings they can begin to set firm policies to see that their lives are arranged to make them happier more often while reducing guilt and frustration and that is the point of the process :to meet the stranger that is often ourselves, and to establish priorities that take that person on to account.

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