before purchasing...
*check your financial status.
*prepare a list of dietary products you want to buy & share it with the household members.
*think of buyying the important products only.
while shopping...
*ignore the products in adverts.
*pick the requirable dietary products not the excitable ones.
*try to buy organic fruits & vegetables in their time.
*do not buy any dietary products with no info on the package.
*the important info are:
-content of the product -production country
-preperation way -conservation way
-date of exp. and prod.
*do not take the children with you while shopping.
* do not go shopping while you are hungry!!!
how you can recognise added chemicals to food...
*this next list include most of the chenicals on their digital code:
+colours E100 to E181
+preservation E200 to 290
+antioxidant & acid organizing E296 to 385
+emulsifier,benefactors&stabilizers E400 to E495
+conglomeration barrier E500 to E585
+flavors E620 to E640
+sweetining[sugar alternatives] E900 to E1520
*how can use this list:
-if there is a green E in the product this mean the added material not harmful or not proven yet to be harmful.
-if E is proceeded with H it means the product content is from animal source[pigs for example].
-if E is black it means this material may cause some sort of allergy especially for children [E621 for example].
-if E a red rectangle means this material & not legal because of its harmful affect [carfciogenic],for example E924 or potasium bromate known as bread benefactor.
-E1510 is alcholic material.
fruiuts and vegetables.....
*avoid washing the fruts & vegetables before putting them inthe fridge .
*use a brush while washing them with running water.
*fruits and vegetables contains enzymes that may lead to some changes during storage,like change in colour or growth of buds & rots so should be kept in the fridge to stop the action of the enzymes.
*check this list:
( type of food) (conserviting time)
apple 3 weeks
plums & apricot 3 to 4 days
cherries& berries 1 to 2 days
grape 1 week
melons 3 to 4 days
mango 1 week
pears 3 to 4 days
carots 2 weeks
lettuse 3 to 7 days
onions 1 to 2 week
spinach 1 to 2 days
tomatoes 2 to 3 days
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